I found the Purely Decadent coconut milk ice cream here (at Rainbow Foods)! It is the BEST vegan ice cream I have ever tasted - including the stuff I've made myself in my ice-cream maker! We had the cookie dough kind and it was fabulous. I love that it is made with agave nectar instead of sugar! (Agave has a low glycemic index so it doesn't affect your blood sugar like refined sugar does.)
I feel like I need to get this RIGHT NOW!
OH YES come to mama, that is the best ice cream EVER
Thank goodness you finally got to try it! I am INFATUATED with the stuff as well. While I do love the cookie dough flavor, you have to try the mocha almond fudge one in the Coconut Milk line! It is to die for! The mint chip is really good, too, infinitely better than the plain Purely Decadent ones. I didn't know they had agave in them instead of sugar -- that makes me feel a lot better about eating tons of it! :)
I think it's probably Purely Decadent that also makes one called something like "peanut butter swirl"... my wife and I love that one!
i want to try that so bad!!!!!
Ohhh, I just bought a pint of the chocolate variety and it was AMAZING.
Better than animal ice cream hands down!
I found your blog via bpal.org, going to follow you if you dont mind!
I discovered this stuff not too long ago, the chocolate variety is the BEST!
Its so silky, so tasty, sooo amazing!
The cookie dough, peanut butter swirl and chocolate mint flavors all have sugar in them, only the plain flavors are only agave nectar sweetened. I really can't have sugar and have to scrutinize labels, so wanted to point this out.
Late to the party but just picked up the chocolate in the Coconut Milk line and I am in crazy mad heaven. This beats out most other chocolate ice creams by miles. I could eat the whole pint right now!
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